London World Championships 2017 POP Stars Starbust Reaches Neptune

I was relaxing on the dark side of Neptune last night when there was a starburst (non product placement advertising) of PinkyOrangePurple (POP) from the direction of Earth. I thought there must have been a superPOPova or something, but when I tuned my satellite television transmission into the Earth frequency I saw it was from the Olympic Stadium in London, where the 2017 World Championships are taking place.

I wasn’t a-were of any spectacular POPism at the games beforehand, so it was quite a surprise. I even tuned in in time to see the POP sunset, with twilight times the original inspiration for the new concept.

Hero Hedgehog and Whizbee Bee

It was being hosted by Hero the Hedgehog, in glorious POPnicolour:

Image result for london 2017 World Championships mascot photos

Whizbee the Bee had hosted the recent Paralympics in the same stadium:

Image result for london 2017 World Championships mascot photos

I’m sorry I can’t bring you any photos of humans, as Blighty is under strict Multicultural Fascism morality laws that mean certain punishments via ‘fake news’ and ‘glass ceilings career progression’ for those people of a certain ethnicity and class background who engage in parody comedy that may upset the Saudis.

Let’s forget Blighty’s free speech tradition, as universities are according to a news story today; who needs it anyway! (a little subtle disguised parody there).

The London Olympics 2012 were called the greenygrey games (before the middle Y ascended) on this website, and looks as if the World Championships 2017 are shaping up to be the POP party games.

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