Happy New Year from the Greenygrey World!

dusk lamp

Image by slimmer_jimmer via Flickr

Hi, it’s Green.  Thanks for all your visits in 2011 and hope you have a great New Year celebration and 2012, returning to the Greenygrey world as much as possible!

I have a feeling that Grey will return in 2012, and it posted a blog from the Oztralian east coast yesterday (we have worked overtime to bring it into the Greenygrey world, and it is below).  It seems to be making good progress as the Werewolf of Oz and surely its quest cannot be far from concluding.

See you in 2012!!

Latest Werewolf of Oz:

We thanked the bees for the bungee to Bingie, and were about to leave, but then one introduced herself as Beatrice, before telling us not to buzz off straightaway, as they were having a bbq on the beach that night.

A bbq on Bingie beach with Beatrice and the bungeeing bees was too much to resist, so we quickly agreed in unison, and began to chill as the sun climbed to its midday peak.

Barry Joins Bee BBQ 

We’d filled our bellies and were enjoying a tinnie
or two with beeautiful company
when I thought I saw a familiar face out at sea
and then realised it was Kalbarri Barry.

I asked what he was doing all the way over the other side of the ocean, and he said he was just holidaying with the family.  I thought it was an amazing coincidence, but you know, these things do happen on the road.

Barry Suggests Shifty and Carry

Barry said they were setting off for Sydney the next day, and invited us along.  I hadn’t shape-shifted for a while, so I suggested that I change into a bottlenose and swim with Barry and his family; pulling the others behind us on a  makeshift raft.

They all agreed to the idea, and we constructed the raft after the bbq finished.

As the last embers of the fire lost their glow, we fitted the harness to the raft using the moonlight that silverlined across the ocean to our place on the sand.

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Happy Holidays after 2011 Photo Highlights part 3

Hi, it’s Andy Wolfhol, with the third and last part of the 2011 Photo Highlights.  It will be the last post before the Solstice and Christmas, so best wishes for both, and any other celebrations you’re having, and we’ll see you when the evenings are getting lighter in the northern hemisphere; where you can now enjoy Venus emerging in the south-west sky just after sunset.

Now for some more greenygrey photos.  The numbers are increasing as you can see, and we don’t really want to leave any out, but there’s so many!    Sorry if we’ve missed out some of your favourites.  Enjoy:

Greenygrey shopping:


Greenygrey Bird Hide:

Greenygrey canal sunset:


Greenygrey providing a service:


Greenygrey cliff walk:

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Photo Highlights of 2011 in Greenygrey World part 2

Hi, it’s Andy Wolfhol, back with the second half of the Greenygrey 2011 photo highlights.  There were too many highlights to fit in two days, so we’ve decided to extend the weekend to include Monday.  But for now, who could forget these wonders of the 2011 Greenygrey world:

Greenygrey Towers:


Greenygrey enjoying the sun:


Greenygrey on the Rocks: 



Greenygrey at the beach:

Photo Highlights of the Year in the Greenygrey World

Hi, it’s Andy Wolfhol.  It’s been another wonderful greenygrey year, and we thought we’d bring you some greenygrey photo highlights this weekend.

Here’s a greenygrey folding mirror effect, which is like hitting the jackpot for us, what with our sister site focusing on folding mirror poetry:

Here’s a greenygrey tree trunk amongst other greenygrey nature, with green leaves overhanging grey cliffs.

And here’s a grey cat, which also has green eyes, creating a nice greenygrey effect as it nestles amongst grass and plants:

Motley Crue Drum Solo and Home Sweet Home Videos

Hi, it’s Harry Silhouetteof-Wolfhowlingonthehill. We’ve uploaded the other two Motley Crue videos now and included them below. I was just reading the One Minute Astronomer newsletter about the Germinid meteor showers [First off, remember to look for the Geminid meteor shower over the next few nights. The shower peaks on December 13-14, but early reports of many bright meteors, despite the bright Moon, bode well for this year’s event.] and it reminded me that I saw a pretty good one after the concert. Here are the videos, enjoy!:

Motley Crue’s Home Sweet Home

Motley Crue’s Tommy Lee’s 360 Degree Drum Solo

Motley Crue and Steel Panther Concerts in Sheffield

Hi, it’s Harry Silhouetteof-Wolfhowlingonthehill. One of our favourite rock bands, Mötley Crüe, played in the Sheffield Motorpoint Arena last night, and we were there! We also captured their first two songs, Wild Side and Saints of Los Angeles, and have uploaded the video on to our greenygrey3 YouTube channel. There should be more Motley Crue videos uploaded soon. Here’s the uploaded video with more description below:

Motley Crue rock onto the stage at the Sheffield Motorpoint Arena on December 13th 2011, opening with Wild Side and Saints of Los Angeles. Quality of the video is not great, but it captures the excitement and singing along of the crowd and the frenzy of the Crue unleashed from near the front.

Steel Panther Opening Songs

They were supported by Spinal Tap style parody comedy rock band, Steel Panther, and we like that kind of humour here at the Greenygrey, so we also captured their arrival on stage on this video, with more description below:

Steel Panther’s intro (Into the Future), and first two songs – Supersonic Sex Machine and Tomorrow Night played with a fantastic mix of humour and talent at the Sheffield Motorpoint Arena on December 13th, 2011, supporting Motley Crue and Def Leppard.

Werewolf of Oz is more realistic than The Grey

;Original title: "Roping gray wolf,"...

Image via Wikipedia

Hi, it’s Harry Silhouetteof-Wolfhowlingonthehill.  I saw a trailer for a film called The Grey today, and thought it might be about our Grey, currently starring in the Werewolf of Oz, as it has been involved in such an incredibly epic soloish ramble for over a year.

The Grey is not about our Grey

As it turned out, I was doubly disappointed.  Not only is it not about our Grey, but it looks like it is about some humans trying to survive in Alaska with wolves attacking them.

I have only seen a trailer, so might be getting it wrong, and maybe the film will have a more understanding message about wolves than it looks.

The Human-Wolf Relationship is the Reverse

Hopefully most people will know that wolf attacks on humans are very rare, while wolves have been exterminated in most parts of the world with any sizeable population of humans, and have now moved to the harsh fringes of the world to try and survive.

Although we support the right to make such a film under freedom of speech, we just hope it won’t do to wolves what Jaws did to sharks.  Defenders of Wildlife are having enough trouble trying to save wolves from further persecution without films that may demonise them.

Alaska is a Battleground for Wildlife

It is also ironic that it is set in Alaska, as some members of the state have tried to continue the aerial shooting of wildlife after most states complied with it being made illegal in 1971.

On the Defenders of Wildlife website page about aerial gunning they report:

In March 2011, The US Fish and Wildlife Service announced its decision not to allow the State of Alaska to kill wolves on Unimak Island, a part of the Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge. The decision was underpinned by sound science…

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Werewolf of Oz latest Episode not Real Time

English: Nanny Goat Bronze Statue Nanny Goat H...

Image via Wikipedia

Hi, it’s Green.  Great news, we’ve received Grey’s Werewolf of Oz blog clearly into the Greenygrey world for the first time since the Grand Council coup attempt, and have copied it below for quick reading.

Some people have asked why we can’t produce real time Greenygrey news, but we aren’t even real, so how can we create real time news!?

Here’s the blog, which had the title:

Goodbye Coo Pigeons, Hello Banjo Badgers

The pigeon mothers of Cooma put on a fine feast for us, and we thanked them with full contented stomachs that rumbled no more.  They said it was the least they could do, after we’d showed their Coorow relatives the utmost respect.

Tara to Cooma

They put us up in some lofts they’d converted for our visit; there was even a longer one for Elle, and a smaller one for Angry.

In the morning they cooked us up some pigeon porridge, which they call pigidge.  It was made with goat’s milk, and was oat so delicious.

But then it came time to say goodbye, and we left Cooma with a heavy heart and stomach.

We could hear them cooing their farewells until we entered deepest Badja State Forest, and the chattering of badgers took over.

Banjo Badgers of Badja Forest

It was nice to walk through the thick forest at first, but then we reached the swamps, and it looked like it could get tricky.

We were looking for a clear route through when Angry said he thought he could  hear a banjo being played in the distance.

We thought he’d turned more crazy than angry for a minute, but then we could all hear it.

We followed the direction of the sound, and before long our lugs delivered us to a clearing, where we could see a badger picking at its banjo.  Angry pulled out his guitar and started playing along, and soon they were raising the canopy with their badger beats.

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Expanding Greenygrey Language: Prefix, Root, Suffix


Image by TZA via Flickr

Hi, it’s Susie Dentinfang.  As you all know by now, I’m the word expert on the Greenygrey and Countdown to the Full Moon.

Greenygrey Expanding Language

As greenygrey is still a homeless word, I thought we should start building extensions around it, to show how flexible and useful it can be.

As the Phonics on the Web site explains, greenygrey is a type of root word: the basic meaning.  And the root word can be added to by prefixes (before) and suffixes (after) which change the meaning of the root word. Here are some examples of how greenygrey can be added to, starting with prefixes.


I think the prefixes that work best with greenygrey are pre, un, re and de:

  • pregreenygrey: There is thought to be a time pregreenygrey.
  • ungreenygrey: That scene of clear skies is not at all greenygrey.
  • regreenygrey: I will become more interested in greenygrey again.
  • degreenygrey: We should do away with greenygrey.

I think the suffixes that work best with greenygrey are er, esque/ish, ly and ness:

  • greenygreyer: It is more greenygrey now.
  • greenygreyesque/ish: It is kind of greenygrey, but not quite.
  • greenygreyly: I was doing two things at the same time etc.
  • greenygreyness: That forestry road image is full of greenygreyness.
I think that’s enough to be going on with.  Please try your own new greenygrey words, and send them into us if you would like them published on Greenygrey Rambles.


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Frozen Planet of Oz a Poem

Arctic Wolf

Image by Property#1 via Flickr

Hi, it’s Green.  I’ve been busy catching up with Frozen Planet this week.  It has some great wolf footage, which I of course really enjoyed.  Some of the other animals are also very interesting and entertaining; as well as intelligent.

Great news from Oz, where Grey has just blogged that it and its companions have reached Cooma after an incrediberryble journey up to Canberra in search of more berries.  The blog is at:

Marc Latham has also written an interesting poem and published it on fmpoetry:





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