Photos and Art of Wildlife Love, Innovation and Fear

Hi, it’s Baron Wolfman, advanced apprentice in the Art department of the Greenygrey. Andy Wolfhol is still enconsed in the Werehouse, so I moseyed over to the eMORFES website to hunt down some greenygrey images for this artsy fartsy blog. And what a varied bunch of greenygrey images I found!

Love Almost Overshadows the Greenygrey

Marino Cano spent three years photographing wildlife, which sounds like fun; especially when you capture animals enjoying their down time. In this monkey business photo I could hardly see the greenygrey for all the love and inquisitiveness on display:


Can you spot the greenygrey in this moochy smoochy horsing around giraffe photo:


If you haven’t found it yet, it’s on the giraffes‘ heads and background.

Crescent Lake Oasis in Gobi desert,China

Not being gobby, but this looks a great way to create greenygrey in the Gobi:

Crescent Lake China

Pencil Drawings by Mike B 

The greenygrey is mostly good in this drawing by Mike B (I think).


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