Meat Industry Horse Culture to Haute Couture Fashion

Hi, it’s Stella Lagerwolf-Bruno, fashion correspondent at the Greenygrey. As you no doubt know, I have to design horse-culture to to keep ahead of Posh Vic and Paco; as well as meeting the demands of British meat-eaters.

New Haute Couture Dresses

For example, here are a few of my new designs; including a few greenygreys I’m sure you’ll be pleased to know (well, green and grey at least):

Greenygrey in the Community

However, I also like to see my clothes worn by ordinary folk too; and especially when they are doing good deeds in the community. A fine example of that is the first-aiders helping keep those priceless Premiership pins in tip-top condition when the magic sponge just won’t do the trick:

Not to mention keeping the streets clean. This is a rare quadruple greenygrey by the way: clothes, lorry, road/hedge and house/door. Photos don’t come much better than this in the Greenygrey world:

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