Valentine Love Story Wolf Tragic Ending

Hi, it’s Greenygrey. Love is in the human air today as Valentine Day is celebrated. But it’s not only humans that exhibit love you know. I know because I am of course a werewolf, and know both my human and wolf sides.

Love Story Inspired Century of Animal Conservation

And one of the greatest love stories ever told; well, it was in fact real; was that of Lobo and Blanca, two wild wolves living in a time of change in the American West.

English: no original description

English: no original description (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

They eluded capture by ranchers for months, but Blanca was eventually trapped, and her scent used to trap her pining partner Lobo.

Valentine Story Ending and More Information

That wasn’t the end of the story. The tear-jerking broken-hearted ending to this famous wolf love story and more information are available in Marc Latham’s new Suite 101 Natural World Media article.

Illustration from Ernest Thompson Seton's Wild...

Illustration from Ernest Thompson Seton’s Wild Animals I Have Known (1898) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Although there wasn’t a happy ending for the Lobo and Blanca love story, their intelligence and devotion did turn their captor, Ernest Thompson Seton, into a wildlife and conservation advocate.

Moreover, the story of Lobo and Blanca he told inspired a Disney movie and BBC documentary; as well Sir David Attenborough, who has been producing groundbreaking wildlife documentaries for over half a century.

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Meat Industry Horse Culture to Haute Couture Fashion

Hi, it’s Stella Lagerwolf-Bruno, fashion correspondent at the Greenygrey. As you no doubt know, I have to design horse-culture to to keep ahead of Posh Vic and Paco; as well as meeting the demands of British meat-eaters.

New Haute Couture Dresses

For example, here are a few of my new designs; including a few greenygreys I’m sure you’ll be pleased to know (well, green and grey at least):

Greenygrey in the Community

However, I also like to see my clothes worn by ordinary folk too; and especially when they are doing good deeds in the community. A fine example of that is the first-aiders helping keep those priceless Premiership pins in tip-top condition when the magic sponge just won’t do the trick:

Not to mention keeping the streets clean. This is a rare quadruple greenygrey by the way: clothes, lorry, road/hedge and house/door. Photos don’t come much better than this in the Greenygrey world:

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Shrove Tuesday – Valentine’s Day Neighbours Oz Episode

Hi, it’s Jack Wolfpac. I felt the poetry calling from the last episode of Werewolf of Oz: Fantasy Travel by Google Maps, so I made good time On The Road to get back in time to introduce the next episode. The Greenygrey was only too happy to hand over the reins to me.

Talking of reins, you might be expecting Grey to return to the land where King Scote reigns in this episode, but our fave werewolf traveller doesn’t quite make it this episode.

Suddenly (Angry Anderson song)

Suddenly (Angry Anderson song) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

After continuing on the poetry track Grey is sidetracked once again. This time into a nice neighbourhood, where there’s a famous wedding taking place between good neighbours. I just realised what good timing it is with Valentine’s Day around the corner.

Happy Shrove Tuesday
for today
by the way.

I can feel a case of poetry welling up in me, so I’ll just end by stating this is the episode when Angry makes his first appearance. Based on legendary Rose Tattoo singer Angry Anderson, Angry is the Mind of the Body, Mind and Spirit theme; replacing the brain, courage and heart of the Wizard of Oz story.


I eventually hauled my sun-kissed furry ass
off the sun-soaked golden sandy mattress,
strolling away from my paradise resting place
I wombled along freely to leave no trace.

Meeting the Neighbours

English: No. 26, Ramsay Street from TV show, N...

English: No. 26, Ramsay Street from TV show, Neighbours Licensing: Category:Neighbours images (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

As I left the beach, I turned around for one last look. Then I headed into town. The first road I reached was Ramsay Street. It looked like a nice neighbourhood, and there was a wedding going on.

As I walked along minding my own business, one of the Neighbours (special Shrove Tuesday – Valentine Day additional bonus feature: ‘looking very greenygrey’ [as shown in image below]) introduced himself as Harold Bishop. He said they needed something to dull the wedding a little, as it was too bright to take quality photos. I said I’d be happy to oblige.

Harold Bishop

Harold Bishop (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Grey in the Neighbours Wedding

So I joined the wedding, and thought I added a nice touch of dullness to balance the light. Everybody said I did a grand job, and the marrying couple, Charlene and Scott, invited me for drinks afterwards.

After having a drink or three, I Suddenly got talking to a man with a rose tattoo. His distinctive ink helped me recognise him as the one who’d Suddenly burst into song at the wedding. He introduced himself as Angry. I asked why he was called that, and he said his Neighbours Suddenly started saying he had no mind when he got tattoos, and it made him angry.



The Wombles were environmentally friendly 1970s fictional creatures created by Mike Batt.
Neighbours (Aussie soap opera) and characters (Harold Bishop, Charlene and Scott).
Rose Tattoo and singer, Angry Anderson.
Suddenly was an Angry Anderson solo song for the Neighbours wedding of Charlene and Scott.


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Life of Pi movie Threatens Animal Conservation?

Hi, it’s Chris Packwolf, nature correspondent at the Greenygrey. I was delighted to see that Marc Latham has written another article for his Natural World Media channel on Suite 101.

God, Humanity and Animals in Life of Pi 

Cover of "Life of Pi"

Cover of Life of Pi

The new wildlife focused article questions whether the otherwise brilliant Life of Pi movie seemingly dividing humanity from animals in the eyes of ‘God’ is dangerous for animal conservation.

This is because many animal persecutions and extinctions have been justified by religious interpretations which portray sentient animals as mere fodder for humanity; or pests and vermin blocking the way of ‘God’s special creation‘.

The article also provides several examples of animals showing behaviour that we interpret in humans as exhibiting ‘love’ and ‘compassion’.

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Celebrating Chinese Year of the Snake with Beach Poem

Happy Chinese New Year of the Snake from a Wood Snake. There’s not much else to add, apart from it’s Werewolf of Oz: Fantasy Travel by Google Maps time; but there’s not much of that; just a solitary epic literary nonsense poem that doesn’t even get off the ground:

Beach sleeping.

Beach sleeping. (Photo credit: N Lee Photography)


Waking up in the sunrise haze
put me under a twilight daze
and I only remember it in poetry
so here’s my V Bay second day story.
Waking on settled sands
with the sunrise hands
hugging sea and spray
in warmth across Vivonne Bay
I just wanted to lay
there all the day
before remembering time
Bonzo, Elle and other half Lime.
So I got up slowly
because I still felt lowly
if I’d gone for a swim
and water’d filled to brim
I wouldn’t have felt wholly
because I’ve got a holey
or three in my head
to stop me feeling like lead
girl o boy I ain’t no buoy
sometimes I’m coy or koi
carping on about all things fishy
and telling Green how I miss ye.

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Life of Pi – Pie in the Sky as Animal Species Die

Hi, it’s Greenygrey. I did go to the cinema once this year – to see the Life of Pi movie, which looked like a travel story comparable to my ramble across North America and Grey’s ozyssey across Oztralia. Moreover, knowing many animals are sacred in Hinduism I thought there’d be a positive message about the relationship between humans and animals.

Life of Pi God and Animals Message

I really enjoyed Ang Lee’s movie, and recommend watching it. I thought the storyline was entertaining and thought-provoking, and the cinematography majestic. However, I was disappointed that the central theme seemed to be that God made humans and animals separate.

Apparently the message is not so strong in the book, which I haven’t read.

I agree that you should take care when interacting with dangerous animals like tigers; as the warning on the front page of the Greenygrey website stresses; and that wild animals should live in the wild. What I don’t agree with is that there is a God-designed distinct separation between humans and animals.

Humans and Animals Similarities and Differences

I think this is a dangerous message for animals and wildlife conservation on Earth, because humans have used a special status under ‘God’ to treat their close relatives badly, pushing many species to extinction.

Ever-improving scientific knowledge and studies into animal behaviour, highlighted in documentaries such as The Wonders of Life show that animals share almost all the DNA and thought processes with humans, and this is because life on Earth has evolved together over millions of years.

Humanity and Animals Share Compassion and Emotion

Humanity is at its best when being caring and compassionate, but even this is not unique. Many animals will put their lives on the line trying to care for others; and even others of other species.

Stories of dogs mourning their masters are common. It could be argued that dogs have been trained to care over the thousands of years they’ve spent with humanity, since wolves and humans made friends, but there are also many cases of animals in the wild adopting or befriending animals from other species.

The video of polar bears and huskies making friends and playing was an example of this, and another even more remarkable one was brought to my attention by Stefan Latham. This showed a leopard killing a baboon and then taking pity on the baboon infant, and seemingly adopting it.

It doesn’t prove there is or isn’t a god or gods, but I hope it shows that there is not such a distinct difference between humans and other animals that the Life of Pi movie seems to suggest.

Oz the Great and Powerful new Sam Raimi Disney Movie

Hi, it’s Greenygrey. I was amazed to see on MySpace that there’s a new Oz movie being released next month called Oz the Great and Powerful, and it was made for Disney by the legendary Sam Raimi.

It looks a real trip down memory lane for Grey; or should that be dust sandy path; after its epic comedy-fantasy adventures in Oz; but it’s too soon after my/our traumatic ordeal to watch it in the cinema.

Oz the Great and Powerful

Moreover, Oz the Great and Powerful seems to have some great greenygrey cinematography, as shown by the main image on its Disney website:


Another one has a great greenygrey landscape:


Not so great for Greenygrey, the wicked witch looks decidedly greenygrey:

OZ wickedWitch

Historian’s Guide to Oz

Grey wasn’t the first to ramble across Oz of course, and Ranjit S. Dighe  even wrote a Historian’s Guide to Oz ten years before Grey’s epic Oz ramble.

And guess what. Oz was even greenygrey then:


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Photos and Art of Wildlife Love, Innovation and Fear

Hi, it’s Baron Wolfman, advanced apprentice in the Art department of the Greenygrey. Andy Wolfhol is still enconsed in the Werehouse, so I moseyed over to the eMORFES website to hunt down some greenygrey images for this artsy fartsy blog. And what a varied bunch of greenygrey images I found!

Love Almost Overshadows the Greenygrey

Marino Cano spent three years photographing wildlife, which sounds like fun; especially when you capture animals enjoying their down time. In this monkey business photo I could hardly see the greenygrey for all the love and inquisitiveness on display:


Can you spot the greenygrey in this moochy smoochy horsing around giraffe photo:


If you haven’t found it yet, it’s on the giraffes‘ heads and background.

Crescent Lake Oasis in Gobi desert,China

Not being gobby, but this looks a great way to create greenygrey in the Gobi:

Crescent Lake China

Pencil Drawings by Mike B 

The greenygrey is mostly good in this drawing by Mike B (I think).


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Kangaroo Island Little Penguins Welcome Werewolfers

Hi, it’s Greenygrey. Thanks to Susie for a great blog yesterday, and creating groupack as a Greenygrey collective noun. It’s funny to think there may be other Greenygreys out there, and up amongst the highest peaks in the world too. Maybe one day we’ll meet again, as we, Green and Grey, were reunited during and after Grey’s epic Oz ramble immortalised in Werewolf of Oz: Fantasy Travel by Google Maps

Yep, you guessed right, it’s time for another thrilling episode of your favourite werewolf travels Australia to the Wizard of Oz theme, with a hint of Alice in Wonderland and Lord of the Rings… and Monty Python’s Life of Brian. Here it is:

46.  KANGAROO ISLAND Royal reception

"Remarkable Rocks" on Kangaroo Island

“Remarkable Rocks” on Kangaroo Island (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The dust sandy path led us out to Kangaroo Island. It didn’t seem to be the logical direction, but we had faith in following the path.

Kingscote Little Penguins

We were welcomed by a right regal looking kangaroo called King Scote. He told us we should call him Scoty, and were his guests; so we would want for nothing while on the island.

The Entry Statement of Kingscote

The Entry Statement of Kingscote (Photo credit: deanwiles)

Scoty introduced us to a colony of little penguins that enjoyed the freedom of the land; he said they didn’t take up much space because they are the smallest penguins in existence. They were very pleasant and playful, and struck up an instant rapport with Bonzo.

Little Penguin (Eudyptula minor) family exitin...

Little Penguin (Eudyptula minor) family exiting burrow, Bruny Island, Tasmania, Australia (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Bonzo relished telling them how he’d scored the third goal for the Crows in our epic AusRuIcket game. They said they’d love to learn how to play, so Bonzo started teaching them. 

Time to Ramble

Scoty seemed to be a tad smitten with Elle, so when he offered to show us his realm I declined the offer, and said I’d like to do some solo rambling around the island.

Ravine des Casoars Wilderness Protection Area

Ravine des Casoars Wilderness Protection Area (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

I crossed Little Sahara and the Flinders Chase National Park, before relaxing in the wonderfully colourful and clean Vivonne Bay. I had a nice chat with a couple of pelicans called Viv and Yvonne there, before they left to get a bite to eat.

I fell asleep on the beach.

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Groupack of Greenygreys in Everest Yeti Himalayas

Hi, it’s Susie Dentinfang, word expert at the Greenygrey and Countdown to the Full Moon. Following the exciting documentary about searching for tigers in Bhutan a couple of weeks ago, which mentioned it was the land of the Yeti, a documentary this week had possible sightings of Greenygreys in the very same Himalayas mountain range.

Mount Everest Greenygrey Region

Although it might not seem ideal habitat for Greenygreys amongst all the rock and snow around Everest, there are many surprisingly greenygrey areas in the region:

Climbing Everest with Mountain on Back

During a BBC documentary about the lives of Sherpas, who carry massive weights up Mount Everest and the rest of the region, there were some remarkably vivid images of what looked like Greenygreys.

As the Greenygrey is the last of its species as far as it knows, and it doesn’t remember other Greenygreys, it doesn’t know a collective noun for more than one. Yes, that’s why I’ve been called in to present the blog. And this image is why we think we may need a collective noun for Greenygreys:

everest climbers

During my research for this blog I googled ‘werewolf collective noun’. On the first page of results I found previous proposals of ‘pack’ and ‘lunacy’. I have decided on an alternative proposal for a collection of Greenygreys.

As werewolves are a combination of human and wolf, I thought a combination of human and wolf collective words would be appropriate. As group and pack join at the p I thought groupack. I therefore propose that the above photo should be considered the first possible sighting of a groupack of Greenygreys in the Himalayas.

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