Stranger than Fiction: Hartley and Poole win Hartlepool Game

Hi, it’s G.G. Howling. I hope you enjoyed yesterday’s thrilling episode of Werewolf of Oz: Fantasy Travel by Google Maps. I thought having all the Redbacks and Crows names with red and crow connections; and the old gum tree swapping places with Theold Gumtree; stretched the limits of fantasy acceptability to its limits… until I saw a sports story on Yahoo News today.

St. Hilda's Church, Hartlepool Headland, Durha...

St. Hilda’s Church, Hartlepool Headland, Durham, Great Britain (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Hartley and Poole Win Game for Hartlepool 

The report told how striker James Poole gave Hartlepool the lead versus Notts County with his third goal of the season, and then defender Peter Hartley scored their winner with his first goal of the season after County had equalised.

That meant Hartley and Poole scored the two goals that gave Hartlepool victory.

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Literary Nonsense Poem Ride to The Old Gum Tree

Hi, it’s G.G. Howling, literary correspondent at the Greenygrey. I’m proud to be introducing the latest episode of Werewolf of Oz: Fantasy Travel by Google Mapswhich seems to have revolutionised the world of fantasy sport over the past fortnight.

This episode concludes the Adelaide AusRuIcket adventure, but it isn’t long before the travelling trio fall into another literary nonsense lark, before landing their feet on the dusty sandy path. But where is Theold Gumtree?


We commiserated with the Redbacks; they didn’t seem too disheartened, and the players sportingly clapped us off using all eight legs.

Going Downhill after Victory

Sliding Rock

Sliding Rock (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

After celebrating with our Crow teammates we changed back into our normal shapes and headed over to where we remembered Theold Gumtree had been. We walked in a jubilant mood, and Elle said she was glad to be back in her usual body. I thought that was a good sign, although she had been a beautiful bird. Our unbridled joy was short-lived however, and was soon to be replaced by pesky puzzlement.

As we approached
the remembered location
we reached a slope
we couldn’t recall,
and the decline was so steep
we began to fall.
We had to start running
to stay on our feet,
skidding and sliding
to an uneven beat.
I could stay upright no longer
and gave out a yell
as I fell
into Elle.
Then we both took out Angry,
and tumbled like puppets
all dingly and dangly.

Returning to Time

I thought we might not survive, such was the dive, but after a minute or three we began to slow down. Elle brought us to our final stop by grabbing us. I had to laugh when Bonzo turned around to me from under her right arm and declared: ‘She’s Got Balls!’

Sign on the Old Gum Tree

Sign on the Old Gum Tree (Photo credit: Community History SA)

We had landed back on the dust sandy path. After dusting myself off I had a good look around, and saw there was a memorial to The Old Gum Tree where we remembered meeting Theold Gumtree.



The Old Gum Tree is the historic site of the proclamation of the colony of South Australia in 1836.
She’s Got Balls (AC/DC song).


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Happy Groundhog Day from the Greenygrey

Hi, it’s Greenygrey. Happy Groundhog Day. North America has been celebrating Groundhog Day today, with groundhogs across the continent predicting the spring weather with their movement and whether they have a shadow or not.

Groundhog being fed a peanut

Groundhog being fed a peanut (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

If they have a shadow then cold weather is supposed to last another six weeks; while if it’s cloudy and they have no shadow the spring will come early.

Groundhog Day Movie and the Greenygrey 

Cover of "Groundhog Day (15th Anniversary...

Cover via Amazon

Groundhog Day was made internationally famous in 1993 when a film was released with that name. It featured a character played by Bill Murray waking to the same day every day.

Days at the Greenygrey are like a cross between the traditional Groundhog Day and the film. Here are some of the similarities:

  • Both the Greenygrey and Groundhog Day start with G.
  • Animals are central to both.
  • Although the Greenygrey world must seem glamorous to humans, it can become repetitive focusing on greenygrey every day.
  • A groundhog predicts the weather on Groundhog Day, while the Greenygrey predicts a greenygrey day every day, although acknowledging that it gets it wrong sometimes (as the groundhogs do too of course).


    Imbolc (Photo credit: wirewiping)

The groundhog day tradition is thought to have been inspired by old pagan festivals such as Imbolc. So Happy Imbolc too.


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Gustav Willeit’s Unconscious Archetype Mirror Images

Hi, it’s Baron Wolfman. Ol’ Wolfhol wasn’t too happy yesterday, but he got some of his words mixed up, and I just cleaned them up for him (corrected line: It also structures the lines into two-by-two word-first-letter combinations, such as two Ts and two Cs in the first line…). I won’t bother telling him though, as it will probably make him look for something else to criticise when he once again emerges from the Werehouse.

Mirror Doubles Reflect Jung Collective Unconscious?

Sorry to have missed Marc Latham’s new Folding Mirror poem. The eMORFES site is showcasing such great greenygrey folding mirror images that I must have got complacent, thinking I had a steady supply of relevant art. Anyway, the eMORFES site has delivered again with Perspe: Photography by Gustav Willeit

There are a couple of examples below, and Alexa Mutschlechner also provides an introduction that seems very relevant to the Greenygrey and Folding Mirror poetry: ‘The theme of the mirror and the double has always fascinated man and the pictures from the series PERSPE are wildly suggestive and possess a sense of mystery, existing somewhere within the border of illusion and reality.’

Perspe_Photography_Gustav Willeit6

Perspe_Photography_Gustav Willeit1

The double and mirror reflect the archetypes hard-wired into our collective unconscious hypothesised by Carl Jung: the shadow and anima/animus; which I had read about before joining the Greenygrey.

Showing Alert Independent Initiative

I was going to end my blog there, but just thought of what ol’ Wolfhol wrote yesterday, so I thought I’d google more images by Gustav Willeit. And I’m glad I did, as I found enough to fill several blogs. A few are below. I think Wolfhol’s going to be pleased with these:

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