Russia Fantasy Travel Inspires Coleridge Kublai Cheap Trick

While we miss the greenYgrey every day, it feels like a special occasion when we receive its latest news from its new rambles, which are at the moment continuing across Russia.

 From Russia With Love 

Dream Police

Dream Police (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Hi, it’s Jack Wolfpac, satirical comedy travel writing correspondent at the Greenygrey. The above heading was a James Bond movie, and there’s a Cheap Trick reference in the latest episode of the greenYgrey’s all new thrilling fantasy travel by Google Maps literary epic comedy parody of the X Files.

Cheap Trick’s Live at the Budokan was recorded in Japan, and was a major success for them, full of great anthemic pop rock songs.

Snail Mail

I thought gYg had made a lot of progress when I read its post, but when I looked at the Google map I drew the conclusion that it had travelled too close to the road, slowing it down to a snail‘s pace.


snail (Photo credit: tamaki)

Maybe it had shapeshifted into a snail. I can neither confirm or contradict that theory. I know as much as you do. gYg doesn’t mention any shapeshifting, but maybe it didn’t think it was relevant.

Anyway, here is episode 7: 6 stanzas of 5-line limericks:

XaW Files Chapter 1 Episode 7

It was getting late
I thought I’d wait
to the end of dusk
then heard Khabarovsk
show me the M58.

I crossed the River Amur
sensing underneath blue blur
the heart of a leopard or tiger
with no need for a decider
or break and rip cerulean fur.

Priamurskaya a few hours west
Kolyuchinskaya several days past
Koly was pre-Amur
Amur was pre-Priamur
Reaching skaya was sign for a rest.

Nikolaevka, Dezhnevka, Volochaevka
never did veer
until I reached Olgokhta
and tucked into a starter
main course, dessert and beer.

I made the leftovers into a sandwich
eaten on the far side of Smidovich
Aur led to Budukan
reminding me of a Cheap Trick
live album which made them rich.

Would my live touring words
ever make such inroads
I wandered loud on a highway
wondering Coleridge’s Xanadu Kublai
or west-travelling Genghis and hordes.

Link for Amazon book and kindle.
Link for multiple Ereaders at Smashwords.

Link for multiple Ereaders at Smashwords.

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