Poetic Lake Sparks Colours Clarification

This blog post contains racial debate discussion, resulting from the Brexit and American election results, and the resulting opinion of some that it’s all the white working-class’s fault, probably resulting in more hatred against the white working-class and more divisions.

Hopes for a Better Britain

While liberals who’ve grown up in the last twenty years will probably think there’s lots of racism, as a doctor of philosophy I can assure you there is none. It’s not ‘racist’ to put arguments and opinions forth.

If anything and everything wasn’t considered ‘racist’ over the last twenty years, then maybe we could have had a mature adult debate, and not fallen into a childish immature media world where white people think anything they say is going to be decoded as racist, so they might as well give up and be racist!

The greenYgrey could have started life as the Yellowyblue, two positive colours I like, and it would have been in line with the county and city I live in’s colours. It would also have been in line with blue-sky thinking – a good sales pitch, as it has connotations of clarity and brightness, inducing happiness, setting good-feelings brain chemicals off, making people more inclined to shop.

I could even have called it the Whitey-something. I think some people consider it racist anyway, when it’s colour-neutral, so I might as well have gone with something more to one extreme: white or black, that’s all anybody seems to want to understand/support!

greenYgrey History

But the website and symbolism was more about nature and the environment, the greyness of truth and reality, and bipolarity. So it was called the Greenygrey, as it fitted in with environmentalism, the sociological clash of classes in the U.K., the dominant landscape colours as I saw them, and a contrast of colours symbolising the bipolarity I consider myself to have: bright green and dull grey.

I think some race-obsessed people think it was racist, against the emphasis of black and white being together. However, that’s easily disproved, as grey is a combination of the two colours!

It also didn’t have anything to do with Ireland. I write that now because a few years after I started the site an Irish work-manager seemed to think it was all about him, as many people have incorporated it into their worlds, when they didn’t come into my life until long after, and really had nothing to do with it.

If it has anything to do with Ireland, in hindsight, it’s to semiotically show that Ireland doesn’t own ‘green’, any more than the green areas of Britain; such as the Scottish Highlands, Yorkshire Dales or Welsh Cambrian Mountains; or the national symbolism of Mexico and Cameroon. Ireland still has some beautiful greenery, and thankfully so do many other places.

New Labour Race Mistake Proved

It was against an over-emphasis on race during the New Labour years in the U.K., and nearly all of it white on non-white racism.

The Greenygrey was saying that class was as important as race, but was hardly mentioned. I joked that the Prince of Brunei (exceedingly wealthy) would be considered a more worthy recipient of benefits than a white handicapped orphan to the white liberal Multicultural Fascists.

They are more ‘racist’ than the average white person – to whites and non-whites. To whites they are racist because they put everybody before them. To non-whites they are racist because they consider them as always needing help, like new younger colonialists, always looking for new recipients of their superiority.

I think my worries and claims have been proved by the racial grooming against white girls during the New Labour years having since been revealed. I think New Labour’s multicultural fascism provided the propaganda ‘shock troops’; as news has previously been described as the ‘shock troops’ of propaganda; that laid the foundation for the groomers.

The police were also apparently too scared of being seen as racist to do anything, while the social workers were probably most part of the group I described above – always blaming whites, and considering non-whites the innocent victims of history.

Where are the White Slavery Movies?

White liberals grow up with the historical belief that white people are the slavers and non-whites have been the enslaved. The media perpetuate this myth, liking clear stories of good and bad, heroes and villains.

White liberals also grow up with the belief that Hollywood and the rest of the media is racist – white or Jewish, or combination of the two.

Putting the two points above together, they don’t think: Where are the movies about the white-slave trade? because

  1. They don’t have the historical knowledge.
  2. They think Hollywood and the media is racist.

When Django Unchained came out some young white people I knew thought it was an important movie – revealing what had been hidden – fitting in with what they’d heard in rap music lyrics – what Hollywood had been hiding.

I’d seen it all before, from Roots to Cool Hand Luke to Gladiator.

I have never seen a movie that has the white slave trade as its central theme – and definitely not one where the main star is a woman. Wikipedia says the Barbary pirates captured 1.25 million slaves from Western Europe between the sixteenth and nineteenth centuries.


Hollywood and the British liberal media should provide a more balanced world history; such as non-white Arabs invading and enslaving Africa from the 7th century, in the century after Mohammed and the Koran; as well as parts of Europe and Asia.

Non-whites who blame everything on whites are the ones who are being racist, as they ignore the crimes of other non-whites on the basis of simplifying history by colour. By all means blame whites for the crimes they’ve done, but please do it within the context of all history.

A long time before Europeans did some deplorable things in Africa, and some Europeans had deplorable things done to them; although crimes against the Europeans were on a much smaller scale, as usually happens between colonists and invaded, with the mass  grooming of British girls and the resulting protests a modern example.

Race Debate Divide Deteriorated

It might make non-whites less hateful and racist towards white people, and make those white people more comfortable with mass immigration, not feeling they have to defend themselves all the time, while trying not to be ‘racist’.

As the Honey G controversy shows, white people can be called racist for either embracing or ignoring non-white cultures at the moment; a double-negative; with most therefore choosing to ignore.

Being a graduated doctor of philosophy, and in line with greenYgrey theory of discussing both sides, it can work the other way too of course, with a classic on immigration that they are either working too little or too much.

Anyway, I have digressed, after just starting with a small image-influenced poem!

Non-Photo Blue

nature’s sky blue,
enchanting either side
illuminating golden hue
trees synchronised swimming
under mountain living
lovely lapis lazuli
sweet cerise
celestial celeste
Herculean cerulean
reflected lake azure.


Photo shared on Google Plus from this website.

Non-photo blue is one of the shades on Wikipedia colours.

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Remembering Groomed Children, Victims of Mass Immigration, on Remembrance Sunday

The Battle of the Bands is finally under way in the penultimate (last but one) episode of the chapter. The episode contains lots of surprises, song references and innovative writing, and I think really deserves the accolade of classic modern literature (that’s serious, not self-parody comedy).

Remembering the Groomed Children

Like much of this chapter, the background theme is one of bullying, grooming and harassment, which was headline news in the U.K. at the time. I was ironically also experiencing it at work, never having thought I’d be able to know how the children groomed on an apparently industrial scale felt.

On this Remembrance Sunday I remember the brave service people who have given their lives for this country. However, the people who take part in the kind of practises above, with accusations of high-ranking people loud and clear, make a mockery of the claim that the wars were fought for freedom, fairness and decency.

I went to the Remembrance Sunday service last year. This year I also remember all the children who’ve lost their childhood, minds and lives to the groomers operating on Blighty. The liberal elite would like to forget them, as they ignored them when it was happening, preferring to consider all the lower classes simply ignorant and racist!

While some may consider the inclusion of Faster Pussycat bad taste, in fact, they represent the kind of freedoms the wars fought against fascism were supposed to be defending, epitomised by the attacks on the Bataclan Theatre in Paris last year, targeting those enjoying rock music.

Chapter 4 Episode 23

I was lost for words, because I’d literally lost my words. Moreover, they’d been taken by my travel quest target, the one who now calls himself XaW, my head honcho of greenYgrey creation ex-Andy Wolfhol. A smile once dominated by canine teeth was now all about incisors. As I thought of the above I suddenly saw them moving towards me… closer… and closer… until I could smell his bloody breath… whispering the New York Dolls song Looking for a Kiss.

Riga Diva Diver

I was entranced, feeling unable to move, just waiting for the vampire’s teeth to sink in. In fact, at that moment, I was looking forward to it. Feeling tired after all the rambling, and having found my travel quest, albeit in totally the wrong circumstances, I was ready to let go; ready to give up the rest of the XaW Files chapters parody rambling, ready to give up the greenYgrey world, and live the rest of my existence as a XaW world Transylvania vampire.

Then I heard some satirical comedy pull me out of my slumber, before seeing a stylish hand push Wolfhol’s face and teeth away.

Escaping my trance, I looked to my left and saw it was none other than Stella Lagerwolf-Bruno, who I’d last seen in Riga, Latvia at the Hollow Scene Holocene club where she’d stayed (way back at the end of Chapter 2, posted about two years ago).

Love Works

I was just about to help Stella out, when I heard a song I thought I recognised… and then did: it was Whitesnake’s Love Ain’t No Stranger.

Remembering the song title made me listen and look closer, until I realised it was Love the mixed-up Vole singing. I thought it must be singing in one of the two bands on before the New York Dolhascas. Then I remembered one of them was called Mysterious Ways, and putting one and two together, thought it must be a case of Love working in Mysterious Ways.

Stella and Love’s appearances seemed to turn the tables in my favour, and the XaW backed off, before slinking away into the shadows.

Mysterious Ways of Women

Mysterious Ways played a storming set, and I caught up with Stella during it. She said the Hollow Scene was doing well, as was Riga and Latvia. She’d been in Bucharest for a fashion show, and had only come to The Oldies for old time’s sake.

I was expecting the New York Dolhascas up next, and waited with bated breath to see what the opposition was like now. I wondered if they had improved with the additions of Mary and Jack, and if there was any way of getting all the greenYgreyers back.

Love joined us, and we all said it was great to see it safe and sound. We asked where it had been since Dolhasca.

It just shrugged, and combining a couple of phrases, said ‘Love always finds an away were, because where there’s a were there’s a way!’

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Political Promises and Old Reality: Trump and Corbyn… and New Beauty: Hailey Baldwin… Revolving rather than Revolting

Donald Trump is already reneging on some of his election promises, and weakening his campaigning vitriol. While most people will welcome that, his core supporters will probably be disappointed, and it does bring into question the point of campaigning: if politicians are elected on a long drawn-out campaign, then just soften or retract their promises, what is the point?

XaW Files: Beyond Politics

This is political discussion beyond political parties and biases: about political process, democracy and elections.

It’s not a call for fascism, left or right, just an observation on elections and the political process.

Political Expert Analysis and Opinion: Trump and Corbyn

Before you think… or claim… that I’m a disappointed right-wing Trump fan, I think the same was seen with the election of left-winger Jeremy Corbyn as Labour leader in the U.K. He was elected because he’s a maverick extremist, but then as soon as he’s leader he had to soften and conform.

Beyond that, there’s all the limitations of the party and political process, parliament or congress, Lords or House of Representatives; I write that from memory without checking if they are the right U.K. and U.S.A. combinations.

It’s probably a good thing, protecting the people from a leader turning into a dictator, but it still makes a mockery of the election system as far as I’m concerned: that the leaders who are elected will not be the leaders who serve.

Fashion Amateur Enthusiast: As Long as there are Beautiful Women

As long as there are beautiful women in the world, there is happiness and hope. It’s great to see Hailey Baldwin emerge onto the modelling scene and into the Top of the POPs charts with some great combinations of greenYgreying and PinkyOrangePurpling (her latter outfit was considered a miss on MSN news, but I vote it a winner):

Happy 20th birthday to Hailey; shame from a comedy wordplay angle that her father wasn’t David Bailey instead of Stephen Baldwin, as then she’d be Hailey Bailey; for Novemeber 22nd if she reads this.

Only another year to the goldilocks zone, and eligibility for a relationship with me (!)… written with the utmost self-parody!

Rage Against the X-Factor Machine this Christmas: definitely broken promises and fudges free:

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War Movies not the Real Thing… I Guess… but the Real Thing will be Fought… with War Movies in Mind

Last week I posted Fatboy Slim’s Praise You, and it is featured in the next episode of XaW Files. I thought at the time that I’d included it in the book, or one of my books, but didn’t know where, or that it was just a few episodes away.

Honey G’s Trying to be Good As Can Be

This episode also reaches the moment all regular readers, great greenYgreyliens, AAW-WOWers and POPolutionaries will have been waiting for: the start of the Bill and Ted‘s Apocalypse Now Battle of the Bands.

The Battle of the Bands title mixes two very different movies: one comedy musical, the other horrific war. These are common threads running through the book… and my mind. Most people try and focus on the former, and ignore the latter, and I think that’s the best way to stay sane… allow happiness to remain.

War Movies Examine Male Minds

I wasn’t interested in most modern wars until I studied them in university: the Balkans, Middle-East, Ireland; I just saw them as endless conflicts that self-perpetuated themselves. There are kinds of peace in the Balkans and Ireland now, but with tensions still simmering.

I was more interested in past wars, as presented in the movies: Westerns and World War Two when young, and Vietnam in my youth. Vietnam War movies became popular in the 1980s, after Platoon‘s release in 1986, just before I started travelling in 1987. I read books like Meditations in Green and Dispatches while On The Road, inspired by the greenYgreyesque mixture of 1960s American cultural thought set in the beautiful landscape of Vietnam: some heavenly minds seeing and wanting the opportunity of a peaceful utopia like never before, thrown into a hellish conflict environment of brutal warfare on the ground and in the air. Apocalypse Now preceded that craze, released in 1979.


Showing the negative side of greenYgreying, boomeranging and POPing!

As Platoon would contrast the good and bad sergeants Elias and Barnes, through the narrative of a rookie soldier, Apocalypse Now contrasted the good and bad through Willard and Kurtz.  It’s probably that psychological thread that makes them my two favourite Vietnam movies, and I think they’re the two most highly regarded anyway? I just remembered Rambo, which also came out in 1986, and definitely wasn’t one of my favourites. Its predecessor, First Blood, had been though, released in 1982, and is my third favourite Vietnam War movie, although it’s about a veteran, and takes place in an American country town.

Apocalypse Now had just been another war movie to me until the late 1980s Platoon-initiated craze created more interest in it. Maybe that’s what’ll happen to XaW Files and the others in my trilogy, once fantasy rambling by web maps takes off, and becomes as popular as POP art! Be ahead of the crowd… and maybe you’ll be the one to write the books/films that POPularise it!

Chapter 4 Episode 22

I lost the words between episodes, becoming occupied with titles, and changing identities. However, I’d been chasing them for so long now that I felt like I really knew them; knew how they looked and sounded, the way they formed, their very structure.

Meaning of Meaning of Life Lost Overnight

If the words weren’t there to chase, it would provide the freedom to have a nice entertaining episode, with a friendly Battle of the Bands, but would it be interesting enough for you then, and would you always wonder what the were words were, and if they really had any meaning; the words that have now become a meaning of life metaphor in this paragraph.

Reading the above paragraph a day later I wondered what I meant by the last sentence at first, but after absorbing it I think I meant that most people can have nice comfortable lives, but are usually looking for new experiences and challenges, whether having a life-bringing baby or going on a life-threatening endurance challenge.

Come a Long Way From Cluj-Napoca

While I’d heard of Bucharest for years, but didn’t know where it was in Romania, I hadn’t heard of Cluj-Napoca, but think I had heard of Cluj through their football team, without knowing what it meant, or that it is a city.

As we entered Bucharest’s The Oldies Club for Bill and Ted’s Apocalypse Now Battle of the Bands I noticed a lot of the same crowd from Cluj-Napoca, and thought we’d all come a long way together, reminding me of that Fatboy Slim song.

The Cluj crowd had travelled 300 miles south, while we’d travelled to Moldova and back, learning a lot along the way, and creating a slightly epic vampires and werewolves story inspired by seeing we weres were in Transylvania.

Of course, we’d only travelled it on Google Maps… while they’d flown straight from Episode 9!

New Members of New York Dolhascas

The club filled up as the night progressed, and just before midnight the New York Dolhascas made their appearance. They looked the same, except they seemed to have a couple of new members… that looked like Mary and Jack.

They had been drawn to appear just before the Dorohoi – Zdob și Zdub alliance, which meant there was only two bands to go before NYD played. I felt like I had to try and talk to Mary and Jack before they played, but was it already too late?

Travel Quest Twist

I was pondering how I could
approach Mary and Jack,
when I felt a cold finger
creeping up
the fur on my back.

I turned around to see it was the New York Dolhascas frontman, and my shock was doubled the next moment when I looked closer… and closer… and closer… until realising he looked just like our Andy Warhol Andy Wolfhol; only colder and more vampirish.

My shock was doubled again the next moment, as the first words he spoke were the exact words I’d been chasing for the last two episodes:

They told
a furry werewolf
and not
a bipolar writer
told you
they’re heroes
and not

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American Election and Brexit Analysis

I just posted the following on Facebook about the American election, responding to my liberal Democrat supporters’ shock: I.S. created it in the world, and gangs in the country, with gun violence rising massively during Obama’s administration. Clinton having Jay Z and Beyoncé as her stars just before the vote, singing and dancing, looked a massive own goal – probably antagonising the voters who must have voted for Trump – the white working-class who feel disenfranchised, forgotten and basically being driven out – now struggling to feed their families. I write that as a liberal communications graduate, not a Trump fan at all.

Fan of Trump Women Only

The were a lot of beautiful women around Donald Trump, and I hope they can have a good influence on him. The party and political system should also limit Trump’s power, as it has Obama’s.

My worries about the Obama administration started upon his election, with his supporters out celebrating as if he was a messiah or something. Now, it is the same liberals who are out protesting, not accepting the result of this election – with placards complaining about whiteness.

Anti-Whiteness Creates White-Consciousness

We’ve just had a mixed-race president, brown in colour, for eight years, and they seem to want it for all time – like no more white ones – and they were white liberals! I remember seeing a documentary about Bette Midler, who is Jewish, where she said she grew up near the Obamas in Honolulu, Hawaii, but it was the Obamas who were the rich ones, turning around popular conceptions of the two ‘races’, greenYgrey style!

I like Obama overall, and as a liberal socialist agree with most of his policies. He’s tried to represent everybody, but seems to have particularly been with his ethnic group at times. It’s hard to avoid it.

I try to be an open-minded doctor, in line with my greenYgrey thinking, but I am more conscious of my demographic now than ever. No matter how much I write that the greenYgrey is about focusing on more things than race, the race-obsessed always bring it back to race… and it’s double-negative partner sex.

My Experiences, and Other Ethnicities

If I’m nice to those people they  make it out to be sexual, and if I’m then not nice to them as a reaction, then I’m racist! I thought including Theo Walcott as a good example of a male partner, and mixed-race Jessica Ennis as one of my favourite athletes, would convince them that it wasn’t all about race and sex, but it’s been to no avail. That’s because to those people it is all about them… and power!

I’ve had men showing off their ‘white’ women to me, as if rubbing my nose in it, and some seem to think they have a monopolistic possession of ‘white’ women, and especially blondes… just like Tiger Woods!

Welsh and Yorkshire men have been just as bad though, upper classes too; and some non-white men not bad at all, keeping me from turning really racist… I’m probably a bit more racist, or racially-aware than I was twenty years ago, but still not more than average… average for any ethnicity, with most or all people racially aware!

Some try to be so resistant to it they ‘become’ the other, as I wanted to be a Native American as a child and youth, having grown up on Westerns. During my university years I found that all the things I liked about Native Americans were also found in northern European tribal life, so it made me feel more like myself.

Moreover, when I met a Native American; who was an oldish man, and it was not sexual at all, as I think some people thought when I first mentioned it!; and showed him my Native American tattoo he objected, and said I shouldn’t have got it; as Native Americans protest against sports teams using their symbolism.

It’s those kinds of things that have made me more ‘white’ conscious; along with the rise of militant Islam in the world, which meet in the American Nation of Islam… and if it’s happening to other people too, then helps explain the Brexit and American election votes.

I write that as somebody who liked ‘black’ culture a lot before New Labour’s multicultural fascism, mass immigration and the grooming epidemic. One of the first series I remember is Roots, and I liked Different Strokes and Eddie Murphy movies in the 1980s. I often had favourite sportspeople that were black, such as Terry Connor and later Tony Yeboah; Henry Rono and Kip Keino; Marvin Hagler and Mike Tyson; with football, athletics and boxing probably my favourite sports at the time.


Kip Keino became a national hero in Kenya after winning Olympic Gold in 1972.

Before one-dimensional double-negatives accuse me of writing the above for sexual reasons, I’d like to make it clear that it has nothing to do with it. If it has any ulterior motive apart from just stating the truth, it’s me being conciliatory, in line with my greenYgrey philosophy, at a time when I could be being a ‘white triumphalist’ – to the people who’ve persecuted me because that’s the way they’ve viewed me – when, in fact, it is THEM who are the EXTREMISTS.

There doesn’t seem such uproar from east Asians about a lack of power, despite their students usually doing the best: the Chinese have been in the USA from the start of its modern ‘civilisation’, helping build the railroads, but don’t seem to have much political or media representation, despite doing well academically.

The Liberal Elite’s Forgotten People

Apparently Hillary Clinton didn’t want to know about the Native Americans protesting about oil pipelines going through their sacred lands. They are the most forgotten people, but don’t get much of a mention on British news.

The British government and liberal elite are also ignoring the Yazidi girls apparently; probably because they’re not near our country, and conveniently out of sight. Maybe Lily Allen and Gary Lineker should start campaigning for them? Those who can’t understand the Brexit and Trump votes are those who only view the world from one angle: that the liberal elite bandwagon must keep rolling, with singing and dancing pop stars like the new elixir for everything.

Unfortunately for them; and maybe for me, especially my green side; populism works both ways, as I warned them years ago. I’ve been proved right again from then, although wasn’t sure if Trump would win the election, but thought it was closer than opinion/betting suggested.

The Brexit and American Election results are because the western northern hemisphere, to remember an earlier analogy, is like a stormy sea rather than a placid lake, and like my Earth’s plates colliding Natural Disasters poetic analogy, it’s causing an eruption of human fire. To continue the volcano analogy, it seems to be rumbling; I hope it doesn’t erupt.

Beyond Humanity It Won’t Matter

Unless humanity totally destroys itself and the planet, the recent democratic election ‘revolutions’ won’t matter much in a century… just little adjustments in the societies of some countries on Earth.

I think they are anyway just after-shocks, like tremors, with the earthquake centred on the Middle-East. I think that the only way humanity will really rise above all these reactions and counter-reactions is if they agree there may be a supreme creator, and may not; and stopped fighting and squabbling about whose god is the best!

If humanity worked together to make our planet a better place, environmentally and socially, then people wouldn’t be wanting to emigrate and colonise, and the people in the northern hemisphere wouldn’t be feeling crowded, threatened and overrun. I’d rather be living in a hotter and drier place myself, but would miss the greenery and some of the culture.

If the liberal elite hadn’t frozen moderates like me out of mainstream culture, maybe my demographic wouldn’t be so angry, and our societies would be continuing to progress under their leadership. If only they could have been as diligently-hard-working and big-money-ignoring as me! Two years after they foisted Russell Brand’s Revolution on Christmas shoppers there’s been democratic political revolutions, but the opposite of what the liberal elite wanted.

Rage Against the X-Factor Machine this Christmas; don’t let Cowell and Brand’s designer babies fool you even more;  (unless Honey G wins!):

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The next episode of the XaW Files parody comedy book travelling Europe to an X-Files theme continues the build up to the Battle of the Bands thrilling chapter finale. Sorry if it’s keeping you waiting… like for a Guns N’ Roses concert. I wasn’t meaning to draw it out; I was just going along with the muse. I guess it’s the same for musicians who want to provide great art all the time, but when playing live I understand that ticket-payers have deadlines for transport, meetings and work. It’s one of those greenYgrey problems that has no right or wrong, and easy clear solution.

Creating Art and/versus Pleasing Crowd

As an audience member I appreciate bands being on time, such as the excellent timekeeping at this year’s Download, but also like surprises and spontaneity. Maybe Guns N’ Roses could organise their own festival, like Ozzy’s Ozfest, and have more time and freedom to play when they want?

It’s kind of how this episode went, a bit anarchic, with not much progress made, a Battle of the Bands denouement to write, as well as two more countries to visit after Romania. It mixes personal thoughts, maybe some Axl influence, along with some Black Eyed Peas musical memories comedy; coincidentally, Fergie’s son is named Axl!

I didn’t know until now, this very moment, that he is named after the Guns N’ Roses singer, as Fergie explained on the Ellen DeGeneres show, quoted on the usmagazine website… in front of a great greenYgrey background!


Chapter 4 Episode 21

Even after years of fantasy rambling there’s still a nervous anticipation when starting a new episode, somewhat like going on stage… for a Battle of the Bands contest. I have that feeling now, but it is alleviated a little by the knowledge that there are only three episodes left after this one in this chapter, and there are still two new countries to visit, so things have got to start happening fast, and there’s not a lot of time and room to travel far and deep into the mind. This episode has got to keep to the storyline; got to create the next step yes; but within the route already mapped, and not going off on a tangent down dead-end side-roads.

Moreover, I have a few lines to follow and chase; ones I thought of before writing the last episode, but which I thought were more suitable for this episode, when the Battle of the Bands will take place.

Rebelling with Myself, Evidence of Attention Deficit, or Just Book Without Plan?

No sooner had I written the above, than I found myself on Wikipedia looking up Bucharest, which took up all this morning’s writing time.

Then when I started writing the above sentence it didn’t sound right, so I searched the use of No sooner had I, and found that other writers on The Free Dictionary had felt the same way. It is considered a somewhat ambiguous and clumsy construction.

Buzzer on the Back To Go

‘Are you ready greenYgrey? It’s time to go. Dorohoi have arrived, and they are waiting for us,’ buzzed Zdob și Zdub guitarist (2005, 2008-2010), Igor Buzurniuc.

‘Yes, I am ready,’ I replied. ‘I think I have nearly written enough, although I don’t feel like I’ve written much at all; at least nothing much that I envisaged writing.’

Igor opened the door, ‘Then hurry, for I think it’s gonna be a great night,’ reminding me of Black Eyed Peas’s I Gotta Feeling, which I had to later look up, as I just had a vague tune in my head, ‘and as for your writing greenYgrey, well, maybe that is its magic, for you do not consider yourself anything more than a rambler do you.’

‘Maybe you’ve hit the nail on its head there Igor, or maybe the buzzer on its back is a more apt phrase for your name.’

Igor laughed, for he had a good sense of humour, and was humble enough to not take himself too seriously.

My conversation with Igor inspired me to put down my writing, and prepare for the Battle of the Bands, after helping me reach the finishing line for this episode.

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Where is everyone? The Fermi Paradox

Some great space debate here, as well as a pristine POP (PinkyOrangePurple) space photo. Michio Kaku uses a similar ant analogy as I thought of, which I guess is quite an obvious one. The article inspired me to think of a new one, on why we haven’t had contact with any other life in the universe –
that we’re like an agoraphobic T.V. addict who opens the door of its house for the first time, takes one step outside, and expects to see everything it has seen on television in its backyard –
because as the article says, there are thought to be billions of stars and galaxies in our universe, and probably many universes, maybe billions. We’ve only been in space a few decades of the 13.7 billion that our universe is thought to have existed, and have barely left our planet. We are still shocked by our first experiences – nearly all only passing images and robot landings – of planets and moons in our solar system – another analogy I’ve just thought of, without knowing how original it is, is that it’s like we’ve ventured into the sea for the first time, looked under the waves with our new invention – goggles – and expect to know everything about all the oceans on Earth from our first experiences.
It’s frustrating that the more we learn, the more we know how limited our knowledge and place in the whole of existence is. However, it is to humanity’s credit that we have reached as far into space as we have, and that we, through science, are willing to make that journey, physically and mentally.

Rationalising The Universe

Part I: The Question

The most simple questions that we can ask often turn out to be the biggest. Physicist Enrico Fermi is testament to this with his big ask ‘where is everyone?’ Where is everyone in the vast universe, why do we hear nothing but silence when we scour the night skies, where are all the aliens?

When we look up a particularly starry night sky we are only observing a very small proportion of the stars in our galaxy. Which in itself is a very very small proportion of the stars in our observable universe (note. observable universe, and that’s just the part closest surrounding us that we can receive light from!) Let’s throw some numbers into the mix.

Part II: The Calculation

There are 100-400 billion (yes billion that’s 10^9) stars in our Milky way galaxy. Now astronomers believe that there are roughly 100 billion galaxies in…

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Poetry and Prose, Personal Philosophy and New Comedy Wordplay Fantasy Fiction

The next episode of XaW Files mixes poetry and prose; starting with personal thoughts reminiscing about my life, society and religion; and ending with comedy wordplay travel quest storyline. The fantasy fiction uses real Bucharest place names to create a story providing a greenYgrey bridge between the travel from Transnistra and the Battle of the Bands contest that brings the chapter to a thrilling end in only a few episodes time; just like in Bill and Ted’s Bogus Journey… but this journey’s not half way over!

I’d updated the personal thoughts from the Google Docs file to the book, and updated it again, with this Bill and Ted passing of time collage relevant for my youth to adulthood philosophy.


Chapter 4 Episode 20

I’m talking to you
to hear myself
I’m talking to you
to make myself
I’m talking to you
to love myself
I’m talking to you
to further myself
I’m talking to you
until I bore myself.

Creating Unknown Satanic Significance (CUSS)

Sitting on a train
straddling time
a searching track
motorbike just rode
thru memory
down my back.

I remembered reading a recent report that says a child’s first 1001 days are crucial. I wonder how many I reached before being torn apart? I think it was about 666, but I can’t be sure, maybe it was 444 or 777, or any day in-between or around there?

No Cussing (will you remember this ‘No’, or the S word in the first title: I am an agnostic bordering on atheism, not believing in God or Satan)

I think devilish children are born unmarked, and are created in childhood, although some are born with a brain chemistry that makes them more vulnerable to negative decisions. They are not supernatural beasts, because there is no real Devil, just children that have had their minds ripped apart by circumstances beyond their control and understanding, so they grow up out of control and without proper social understanding, not believing in control and understanding, because it didn’t work for them when they believed in it… and the people preaching about control and understanding only seem to believe in preaching it, and not behaving it… and there’s no real society anyway…

I, greenYgrey, do not bear the mark of the beast; I am only a sometime-shapeshifted bear-beast of Marc. I thought of getting it tattooed on when younger. I didn’t think then that it may be hard to convince people it was only a tattoo, not foreseeing the New Wave Of Monotheistic Religion (NWOMR)! Moreover, I didn’t imagine the betrayal and selective memories of some of the people I knew then, and thought were BFs!

So for those who think they are big rebels rebelling against this white middle-aged man, when I was your age or younger, I was thinking of getting a 666 on my head to freak out the ‘straights’, in line with my Metal/Biker identity at the time.

That isn’t a message to you that you should up your rebellion, and it’s not a challenge or put down to you. It’s just the truth, and more a message of beware of what you do today, because you might just live long enough, and change circumstances/identities/lives to regret it!

If I was a full-time writer now I probably wouldn’t regret it much if I had it. It’s just awkward, as the tattoos on my arms have been awkward at times when travelling and working abroad, such as having to wear long-sleeved shirts in hot humid weather. A 666 tattoo would probably have meant I couldn’t do those jobs, if it was visible.

Buck a Rest Test in Bucharest

We were camped in Bucharest’s Voluntari district, so I wasn’t surprised when Suvorov asked for a volunteer to return to Urziceni to pick up a crate of Uzis sent down there from Topliceni.


I thought Buck was the obvious and best candidate for the mission, but he was resting nicely, grazing on a lush patch of grass at the end of Strada Barsei.

So I asked them to hold on a minute while I asked Buck if he fancied a long journey to carry a heavy load of machine guns for the Battle of the Bands.

Buck’s Truck Guitar Trick

Buck seemed to motion his head back and forth, as if saying neigh, before neighing.

I felt a little disappointed, closed my eyes, and lifted my head to the sky. However, then I felt a tug at my fur, and saw that Buck was motioning me to follow, like a true animal star hero, reminding me of the collie collier twins classic story at the start of Grey’s epic fantasy ramble Werewolf of Oz.

Buck took me to a truck, and motioned me to get in the driver’s seat. I did this, and after setting off, Buck directed me to a musical instruments warehouse that was giving away its wares (not weres unfortunately, as we could have done with more recruits! However, in line with greenYgrey theory, there was a positive side too, because it was not wheres either, as we didn’t have time to be giving out lots of directions).

So we loaded up Buck’s truck, and took the instruments back to the others in Voluntari.  Suvorov was delighted, and said he thought we now had all we needed for the Zdob și Zdub and Dorohoi alliance to defeat the New York Dolhascas in Bill and Ted’s Apocalypse Now Battle of the Bands.

Available to buy or borrow on Amazon and some great big bookshops.


2016’s Biggest Election Win?: Zabivaka Wolf Outruns Cat and Tiger to World Cup 2018 Victory and Parody Comedy

While the human world focuses on the anarchic American election and bewildering Brexit bandwagon, I’m happy to report in a parody comedy kind of way that the Russia World Cup 2018 mascot election was a fair, quick and friendly contest. Moreover, Zabivaka the wolf won a clear victory over cat and tiger, winning 53% of the vote.

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Wolf Celebrates with Human

Zabivaka was humble after winning more votes than the fantastic felines.
It said its first concern was for the welfare of the feline duo,
and that it was happy to report that they were feeling fine.

Here’s Zabivaka celebrating afterwards by popping into the POP (PinkyOrangePurple) world:


Available to buy or borrow on Amazon and some great big bookshops.


Comedy Planning Punchline and New Wordplay On The Road to Bucharest

After mentioning Andrew Marr’s documentary about fantasy fiction writing last week I watched it again this week, along with the third and last in the series, which was about the spy genre. The main interest for my writing in the latter was Trade Craft. Many spy novel writers were said to be former spies, such as Frederick Forsyth.

My Trade Craft for XaW Files

That’s why I think I’m ideally placed to write travel quest fantasy fiction, and especially to pioneer the new idea of fantasy travelling by web maps. That’s because for the travelling knowledge I travelled on a shoestring to all the populated continents between 1987-1994, and have continued travelling on shorter trips to this day.

Now that I’ve finished the greenYgrey trilogy, maybe I’ll finish that blog’s travelling back to 1987, although it will be time-consuming, as I reached the end of the digital photos era. With its 30th anniversary next year, it might be good timing.

Then for the writing, I spent a decade in further education, and this XaW Files book was written at the end of a decade of creative writing.

So, while I may seem like an overnight sensation to new readers, or an aberration to prejudiced ones, as even Kerouac was in his day, three decades (3-D) of experience and learning have gone into this book… maybe you now think it should be even better?!

Chapter 4 Episode 19

It was brilliant to reach Bucharest and give Buck a rest.


It had been a long trek from Tiraspol, and made more difficult and tiresome by Alexander Suvorov’s precise planning, methodical examination of every detail, openness to all outcomes, and suspicion of all.

I think it was absolutely necessary with hindsight, but I’m just not used to that kind of travelling, what with my usual freestyle random rambling style.

Giving Buck a Rest in Bucharest

Suvorov’s suspicion included you readers I’m afraid, so I was ordered not to write a XaW File until we arrived safely in Bucharest.

I hope Buck’s extended journey to Bucharest rest is evidence that I can plan a little myself, and it’s not all random rambling, or Kerouac-style spontaneous prose; which is an amazing skill when writing a complete book in such a way; but a bit of both, now several, greenYgrey style.

Manta Mantra

Instead of travelling on the R34 we travelled on the E584, and then across to Manta on the R38. We overnighted at the Azalia Hotel, and were treated to a traditional stork nuptial dance known in Romanian as “a bate toaca”.

Local birds such as cormorants, egrets, mallards, cranes, pelicans, seagulls and swans were joined by raccoons, foxes, wild cats, turtles, wild boar and deer at the dance. It was a very peaceful and enjoyable evening, as we were all alive allies, joined in battle against the undead.

Vampire Fever

I think you will be able to guess how we travelled across the lake, if you think of the lake’s name, and suspend any knowledge of Earthly creatures going by that name’s normal habitat.

Yes, if you guessed we were carried across the lake by a fever of giant manta rays you’d be right. Don’t worry if you weren’t right, because I only just learnt that the collective noun for manta rays is fever!


After saying muchas gracias and hasta luego to the manta rays, who had originated in Baja California, we returned to land. Suvorov led us through Vlădeşti and Brăneşti in silence, as he suspected they could be vampire frontier towns with the start of both their names having vampire connotations: Vlad Dracula and Bran Castle.

Swapping Names and Numbers

From Fârţăneşti to Focşani I travelled alongside Suvorov, although that didn’t mean travelling at the head of our band of musicians and assorted animals, as he liked to remain at one with his soldiers, leading by example rather than looking down on them from up on high.

Passing through interesting place names inspired me to ask Suvorov about his, although I had of course read about it on Wikipedia. Suvorov confirmed his name ‘comes from the Finnish, or Karelian, words “sywe” and “wara,” syvä meaning “deep” and vaara meaning “hill” or “danger.”’

I observed that ‘deep danger’ was quite apt for our destination.

Suvorov laughed, agreed, and asked about my name.

I said I named myself from my colours, after awakening with amnesia in Canada, and told him some of my life story, which regular readers will know all too well by now. I thought for a minute or three, before adding that it must be great to know your ancestry, like he does, although my existence is already quite old in the current digital age.


Manta Lake and Stork information:


Available to buy or borrow on Amazon and some great big bookshops.
