Mosque not Church for Team GB Advert

My paranoia about the intentions of the Chronicles of Nadiya documentary had been raised by seeing a National Lottery advert thanking the British people for helping make Team GB brilliant in Rio.

It featured an image of lots of people on what look like the cliffs of Dover, under what looks like a mosque. There’s no church or other religious building as far as I can see.

It’s the scene below, which is at the end of the video:

Making Britain Muslim

There’s lots of greenYgrey PinkyOrangePurple (POP) scenery in the video, and I’m not a Christian now, so I shouldn’t really care that much.

However, it does seem to confirm what I’ve been saying for the last 10-15 years: that the British establishment is trying to keep Britain god-fearing. Transforming it from one Middle-Eastern monotheistic religion to another; from Christianity to its younger brother by 500 years, Islam.

The establishment’s (royal families etc) close relations with Saudi Arabia, also seen in international affairs such as Syria, and the money involved, is probably key!

Rio 2016 Analysis: Daphne Schippers Sheepers

When I saw Daphne Schippers dive over the line in the Rio 2016 women’s 200 metres I thought she had been inspired by Shaunae Miller (below). The second runner I’ve seen diving over the line since the 400 metres final. The photo below is of Miller winning the 400 metres, so is a positive one.


I thought that because unlike Miller, who won the 400 metres with her dive, there was nobody really close to Schippers in the 200 metres (below), won by Jamaica’s Elaine Thompson, who also won the 100 metres.

The only other reason I can think of for Schippers’s dive, other than emulating Miller, was that she thought somebody might be catching her from behind, and out of view.


Schippers White and the Seven Doubts
(wordplay with Snow White and the Seven Dwarves; later thinking I should make clear that it was wordplay created before realising there were seven other runners in the final. I’m not being derogatory to dwarves, or runners, just trying to show how sensitive writing has to be to be politically correct, as Ricky Gervais has done before, with this passage complementing the points below, which were written before this!).

Secondly, I thought I’d be okay blogging this, because of Schippers’s ethnicity.

Thirdly, I thought she’s a woman, so it might not be okay with women who don’t accept my feminism with a small f.

Fourthly, I thought she’s Dutch, so I might anger Dutch people, most of whom are probably already pretty upset today, after their heroine lost the race.

Fifthly, I thought people who only filter everything through sex and race, would think that if I’m not doing it for white over black race, with Schippers having lost the race making it unlikely, I must be doing it for something to do with sexuality.

Sixthly, I thought those obsessed with sexual interpretations for everything could either think I’m writing it because I’m attracted to her; or because she hasn’t asked me out.

Seventhly, I thought I might upset other white people, who might think I’ve succumbed to Multicultural Fascism in the U.K., and only feel comfortable criticising white British/European origins people: becoming sheepish myself.

Saved by Wordplay

The fact that I picked out Schippers’s dive and not the previous one would seem to support the last point, but I would argue that Schippers’s dive was a more obvious example of copying, as there was nobody close to her at the finishing line.

Moreover, Schippers’s name sounds like sheep(ers), which fits into what I am writing about.

I don’t think Schippers is any more sheepish than normal, and I have often copied other sports people when taking part in sports. I think it is normal for humans and other animals to copy each other – and is one of the signs of intelligence for animals – teaching is basically getting others to copy the teacher.

Sport not Sexuality

I don’t find Schippers that attractive at the moment either, as she’s too muscular. Some toning is quite nice, but I don’t like big muscles on women – just my tastes and choice, not telling anybody how to look. Schippers looks like she could be very attractive without the muscles, which she obviously needs for her running.

For some women, such as vegan Serena Williams, muscles are important to their performance, and they put their sport before their looks; although they might prefer their looks the way they are?

I don’t find sporting looks attractive overall, as those who are obsessed by sexual explanations for everything (Freudians?) might guess. I think Paula Radcliffe looks much nicer now in the studio, wearing casual evening clothes, than she did when running.

Paula Radcliffe and Jane Tomlinson being my biggest inspirations for my endurance running was all down to them being the most inspirational long distance runners at the time, and had nothing to do with their looks or sexuality.

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World of Wealthy Sporting Individuals Wouldn’t War

I watched about twenty minutes of Rich Kids of Instagram a few weeks ago. I thought it was a documentary special rather than a series before watching. In my socialist youth they might have annoyed me, but now I thought they were alright, compared to what’s going on elsewhere in the world.

In fact, I thought about becoming a rich kid of Instagram for my 50s decade, but after a decade of most people not getting the greenYgrey, thought I’d limit it to an ironic joke here, while remembering to make clear that it is irony, for the U.K. as well as U.S.A.!

While I wanted Anarchy in the U.K. in my youth, now I’m just trying to help irony survive, as elite liberal society multiculturalism and social media has nearly made such things taboo,  through a combination of upper class tut-tutting and multicultural/lower classes threat-threatening.

British Liberals Too Narrow-Minded (a greenYgreyism)

Angela Gibbins, a British Council manager, caused a stir recently by complaining about Prince George being an example of white privilege.

I bet Angela Gibbins doesn’t watch Rich Kids of Instagram if she’s like the liberals I knew at university, who consider such programmes below them.

If she did, she would see that the global rich are very multi-ethnic and different coloured. One was joking about being descended from the Ottoman Empire rulers. Africa and Asia have many kings and princes, and probably all of them are non-white. Prince George is privileged compared to me too, and so are most non-white people, as they have more ‘defence’ through racism being considered more important than classism, and ‘image attractiveness’ for our leaders, who want to portray an ideal multicultural country that is like a microcosm of the British empire.

The rich kids of Instagram all have a great education, and they are probably the ideal students sought after by top British schools and universities; rather than putting up with white trash like me, who they mostly treated as an unwelcome invading imposter in the postgraduate community, prompted by some people in my ICS department, even though I was much less pushy and disgruntled than a lot of the foreign students. They seemed to regard ‘normal’ people being like that as showing pluck, whereas if I did it I was trying to push my weight around or something, judging me by my look and background.

World Peace Dependent on Wealth

The rich kids of Instagram looked happy and peaceful, enjoying a life that many admitted was quite shallow, which made me like their lifestyle even more. I liked them not for their looks, youth or money, but simply because they were living in peace and seemed to have some self-reflection, seeing the faults in their life, and appreciating their good fortune.

I know it must be easy to be happy and peaceful when you have everything you want. Most people would live in peace that way, if they were part of a rich global individuality, rather than poor tribalism, which is what the world is mostly like now, and Britain is becoming more like with mass immigration and multiculturalism.

Maybe the Rich Kids of Instagram ideal is what the global leaders and liberals are aiming for with their mass immigration and no borders ideals. It would probably work with wealth, but when it leads to more and more poverty, with people living in more and more cramped poor communities, it isn’t going to work.

Olympics Spirit Works

I think it is the same with the Olympics, which shows humanity at its best, with many great athletes competing from around the world, peacefully and in harmony, with a great sporting ethos, and pushing themselves to their body, mind and spirit limits.

I think it is a great example of a multi-ethnic one-culture community. While the people from all around the world normally live in different political and religious cultures, in the Olympic village they are all supposed to live within the Olympics culture: living and competing fairly, with respect for each other.

Officials and the Poor

However, even with the Olympics, it is only an island in a troubled sea, which sometimes has choppy waves rocking it.

As yesterday’s judging in the open water, boxing, high-jump and weight-lifting showed, officials can still get it wrong, as the police do in normal society. Sometimes they were too accommodating, such as in the high-jump or weight-lifting, passing attempts that shouldn’t have been; sometimes they were too strict, such as the open water; and sometimes they saw things totally different to the experts, such as in the boxing.

There are also a lot of anti-poverty protests outside the Olympic village, and there have also been a few incidents of crime involving competitors being attacked or robbed.

Future Rich and Poor

I think that shows that while the majority can enjoy the minority raising humanity’s spirits through their sporting endeavours, there will always be resentment among some members of the public. Sometimes it rises to the surface in crime, and other times it is legitimately advanced by critics like Angela Gibbins.

I think Prince George is an example of human privilege, and maybe he’ll just be another Rich Kid of Instagram around about 2030.

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Green Pool Gold Medals: P-r-oO-phecy or Coincidence

After diving was mentioned in yesterday’s PoOlympics Games comedy idea, Leeds divers Chris Mears and Jack Laugher laughed all the way to Team GB’s first ever diving gold… in a pool turned green.


It was reported in glorious greenygrey by the Yorkshire Times.

Screenshot (63)

As I listen to Planet Rock, Wyatt is launching the rock Olympics.

Quite seriously, I was thinking this morning how I’ve never heard of competitive scuba diving, as there is for other sea sports like surfing, sailing and kayaking. I think scuba diving would be more of a human sport, as it is without any big accessory.

Prophecy or Coincidence?

In ancient times the Rio pools turning green could have been seen as a message, but now they think it can be scientifically explained as an increase in algae.

In 1994 I saw a similar coloured water in Lake Titicaca, the world’s highest navigable lake, on the border of Bolivia and Peru. An article on World Crunch showed it was the same or worse last year, putting it down to environmental pollution. Here’s their photo:


I think it looks nice and different, but unfortunately isn’t good or healthy!

P.S. Was there something in the Yorkshire Water last night? Leeds United also had an exciting penalty kicks win, with new goalie Green saving the fifth Fleetwood penalty for a 5-4 penalties win, after Leeds took the game into extra-time with a last minute equaliser.

PoOlympics Sponsored by Toilet Paper Companies

After yesterday’s blog I thought it was a mistake to suggest pooing could be included in the Olympics. I now think it deserves an Olympics all of its own! Moreover, it would be the perfect platform for toilet paper advertising, as well as toilets, bathrooms, bidets (had to look up the spelling for that!), anti-bacterial soaps etc. The poOlympics is a goldmine waiting to happen.

PoOlympics Events

Pooing provides a wide range of events comparable with the Olympics. You could have sprint pooing, long-distance pooing (I was thinking time-wise first, but you could also have distance too), then there’s weight – with the weight pooed taking the place of weight lifted.

While most events are more suited to dry land, you could also have pool pooing to represent the swimming events. Pooing off dive-boards would represent diving, with marks for style, technique, and splash on entry.

PoOlympics Training

I guess training would be similar too, especially in the days leading up to the event. However, while most Olympics athletes probably try and eat so they poo just before the event, in the PoOlympics the pooing would be the main event.

I guess there would be the same amount of carbing up, but laxatives would probably take the place of steroids and doping as the top banned product.

Dedicated to South Park Mr Hankey – the Christmas Poo

While the PoOlympics is an original idea as far as I know, South Park had Mr Hankey, the Christmas Poo. It wasn’t one of my favourite characters, but could be quite funny at times; the idea was probably funnier than any of its escapades.

Have I given away another of my great ideas, in my eagerness to entertain you great greenYgreyliens? I’ve recorded enough in XaW Files anyway!

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Madonna of Werewolves: Four Years as a Famous Werewolf

Hi, it’s Andy Wolfhol. You know, I was famous a long time ago, and still am, so I like to think the Greenygrey learnt something from me. But I was watching a recent Madonna interview, and I think there are similarities with her too; in the way the Greenygrey has been able to reinvent itself when needed. I suppose their chameleonising talent comes in handy there.

English: icon of Madonna, source picture taken...

Image via Wikipedia

Being Human for our Birthday

That Being Human werewolf got quite famous, but it was only two-dimensional, and couldn’t escape being typecast after a couple of series. It was a good actor, but not as good looking in its wolf form as the Greenygrey.

George in his werewolf form

Image via Wikipedia

Why, it’s been four years now since the Greenygrey website launched GG into the human world. Since before the Beijing Olympics and Euro 2008 in Austria and Switzerland. This year it’ll be the London Olympics and Euro 2012 in Poland and Ukraine.

Yes, time flies when you’re a bird, as the Greenygrey often was thanks to its shapeshifting skill. It’s been quite a journey, and thanks to all those  who’ve made it worthwhile.

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