Estonia Travel History Article Published

Travel Thru History has kindly published and presented well my Estonia travel history article from my week there in May. It’s available on the travelthruhistory website. Here’s ten more photos from my trip. The first five are from Parnu, and the second five from Tallinn; the last three are from the Open Air Museum:

101_4178 101_4182 101_4189 101_4194 101_4200 101_4225 101_4233 101_4253 101_4267 101_4258

Bergen, Norway Travel History Article

I traveled on the sea to Bergen
I traveled with the rain to Bergen
I traveled through history in Bergen.
In Bergen they all blended together.

Hi, it’s Jack Wolfpac, travel writing correspondent at the Greenygrey, inspired by Jack Kerouac in the human world. Marc Latham passed into the Agnethan age in Stockholm (t25y link) last May, so Norway was his last stop in the Kerouacian age, which is estimated to have started around 1987.

Scandinavia 056

That is what inspired his (t25y) website, which has travelled backwards from Scandinavia through Barcelona, and is now in Saint-Malo, Brittany, France.

Bergen, Norway Travel Article 

The opening poem on this blog is also the start of a Marc Latham article newly published on, and the article contains more artistic meteorological-landscape descriptions inspired by a city mixing a beautiful location with harsh weather, which could perhaps be termed greenygrey (in the Greenygrey world anyway!):  Scandinavia 041

‘As the sun settled into the light cloud horizon like a fried egg in a frying pan, the fjord lit up like a real fire, and the mountain houses shone like precious topaz.’

‘Although the sea seems to stop a long way from the mountains, I realised they meet nearly every day; and that it is an ancient tale painted differently each time. Sometimes the sky expresses itself with bold snow; leaving a picture that demands your attention. Other times it impresses with light brush strokes of ephemeral rain; hiding the boundary between wet and dry land. If you look closely, it often seems to use two hands to do both of the above at the same time. Set against Bergen’s northern mountains, I noticed precipitation falling as snow and rain at the same time for the first time.’

Bergen History and Travel Advice 

There’s more landscape descriptions in the article, as well as funny memoir anecdotes, historical facts and travel advice in the first Norway article on the TTH website.

Scandinavia 058

There are also lots more interesting and entertaining articles on the site, including quite a few more new ones.

The natural light must be diminishing in Norway now, as the Arctic north is tilted away from the sun this hemisphere half-year, so I will say thank you and goodnight… and happy Northern Lights and skiing season…

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Vinales Valley Cuba Travel Article Published by 12/12/12

Hi, happy 12/12/12 from Jack Wolfpac, still here wolfmanning the publishing desk at the Greenygrey. I don’t have to worry about countries ordering their days and months differently today, as it’s twelves all around. Unfortunately, I’ll be back on the road by 12 midday, so can’t time the post for 12 on 12/12/12.

All those 1s and 2s remind me of Marc Latham’s 242 Mirror Poems and Reflections, which does of course consist of 121 mirror poems and 121 poetic reflections.

While 12/12/12 doesn’t quite work for 121-121, more like 121-212; at 1.21 this morning it was 1.21 on 12/12/12, so those first six numbers correspond with the 121-121 format of Marc’s book… except the date goes on for a few more numbers…

I asked Marc if he was a-were of today’s date when he published it. He said he wasn’t.

Cuba Travel Article at Go Nomad

I’m glad I called him, because he told me he’s had a new travel article published. It’s from his three-week trip to Cuba in 2009, and is his first  article published on Go Nomad. Thanks to them for providing a home for the article amongst lots of great travel articles on the site; and a good presentation.

The new article, ‘Riding Among the Mogotes in the Vinales Valley‘ also provides a new home for the cover photo of Werewolf of Oz: Fantasy Travel by Google Maps.

The photo was taken at sunset on the western road out of Vinales. The beautiful mogotes of the UNESCO site Vinales National Park are just to the right of the road and photo. For a photo of them, and the article, please hit the road to Go Nomad.

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Saint-Malo and Mont-Saint-Michel Travel Article

Hi, it’s Jack Wolfpac, travel-writer correspondent at the Greenygrey. I was thrilled to see a not-so-young travel writer following in my footsteps over the last quarter-century, and to read his latest travel article about Brittany and Normandy on the Travel Thru History website; based in Saint-Malo and peaking in Mont-Saint-Michel. 

Mont-Saint-Michel and Saint-Malo Travel

An old friend of the Greenygrey website, Marc Latham visited Saint-Malo, Mont-Saint-Michel, Dinard, Cancale and Saint-Briac-sur-Mer; as well as passing through Saint-Servan, Saint-Coulomb and Saint-Meloir-des-Ondes

Saint-Malo is full of history and beaches, which makes it great photography territory. Mont-Saint-Michel is just spectacular, and Marc was lucky enough to visit it on a day providing a greenygrey morning and clear sky afternoon; like a 2 for 1 offer! The rest of northern France provided a super place to swim, walk and sightsee.

Anyway, enough spontaneous prose for now, and I’ll let you get off to the French history and travel article.

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