Fruitarian Shows POPular Diet Possibilities and Artistic Credibilities

The main serious reason I’m featuring Belinda White’s story from the Daily Mirror is that they report she has achieved a great healthy look from a mostly fruit diet, with some nuts and veg occasionally.

The second parody comedy reason is that it looks as if she also likes to double up her diet as an artistic greenYgrey and POP (PinkyOrangePurple) readYmade (remembering the original readymade art created by Marcel Duchamp found on the XaW Files travel quest):



And making me think she may really have heard of the greenygrey:


Disclaimer: Belinda White is a grandmother, in a relationship, and anyway outside the goldilocks zone of age 21-40, hopefully proving my only interest in posting this is a mixture of goodies, without any direct personal interest: promoting a woman doing well, a healthy fruitarian diet and some light-hearted comedy entertainment for you.

Her family have gone along with her diet, so full credit and respect to them too. I hope they all continue to have a happy and healthy home life.

I follow a basic vegetarian diet, which I think works for me. I don’t know if a fruitarian diet would work better or worse for me. I think it’s more in line with my animal welfare reasons for being a vegetarian, so would give it a go. The last I read, there’s more goodness in veg than fruit, so I don’t know. It certainly seems to be working for Belinda.

Available to buy or borrow on Amazon and some great big bookshops.

Travel Quest Comedy Mixes Military Hero and Comic Strip Characters

The latest episode of XaW Files, the book ignored by the Man/Machine; as the dictionaries ignore the self-proclaimed genius greenYgreyisms, with POPolution and POPolutionaries the latest two; includes an imagined conversation with Alexander Suvorov, including more writing theory, and a Perishers comic-strip recollection from Werewolf of Oz; the second book of the trilogy, and probably second best too; creating a little comedy again. The episode also remembers the first chapter of this book, travelling Russia, with a link.

Suvorov So What?

I doubt many of you have heard of Suvorov, as I hadn’t, highlighting how all regions of the world have their military heroes, and most people in other regions haven’t heard of most of them. It’s the same with religions.

The inclusion of Suvorov is ambivalent, although I expect his one-dimensional double-negative supporters to object on the grounds of demeaning a military hero, while his one-dimensional double-negative opponents will object to the undefeated General’s promotion!

Chapter 4 Episode 18

‘Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov I presume.’

‘Ah, greenYgrey, please call me Alexander. I have been expecting you. What took you so long?’

‘Thanks Alexander, please call me greeny. What kept me? Well, I guess I have been rambling on a bit, and not always in the right direction.’

‘Yes, I have noticed, I am from Novgorod you know.’

‘Yes, I do know Alexander; I read it on Wikipedia. I looked you up to help our rambling campaign in Romania. Novgorod seems to be a recurring theme in this ramble, ironically with its biggest influence being Maxim Gorky’s thoughts on how a writer should learn whether they are creating a character or plot driven story. When I saw your Novgorod origins I realised you have a much bigger part in this whole story, or at least the eastern half, for I know not what awaits in the western half, although it does increasingly look as if a plot is building.’

‘Yes, none of us know for sure what the future holds, but one thing I do know, is that I, Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov, will be proud to enter your rambling campaign in Romania, to help in this little plot at least, and to hopefully have some significance for the building of a bigger plot.’

Suvorov’s Sayings

‘I’m afraid I’ve not had time to read your The Science of Victory military manual Alexander, but I have read some of your sayings on Wikipedia. I like one in particular. Love is lost in Romania at the moment, but I think it would love it, and it has given me an idea for rescuing it.’

‘Oh, is it my What is difficult in training will become easy in a battle saying?’

‘No, I quite like that one, but I was thinking more of Perish yourself but rescue your comrade! You see, as a greenYgrey I can shapeshift to the point of dividing myself into many. My grey part met The Perishers on its epic journey across Oz, so I was thinking I could divide shapeshift into The Perishers, and that would help us rescue Love, in line with your Perish yourself but rescue your comrade! saying.’


‘Ha greeny, I think you are an expert in rambling, but not in military matters. I think you will be more use to us as you are, rather than as a Perisher… or even many Perishers. I think a more relevant saying of mine for our campaign ahead is Achieve victory not by numbers, but by knowing how.
So please stay together
intrepid explorer
for I think it is time
to leaving Moldova
and travel to Romania.’


Opening line inspired by Henry Morton Stanley’s alleged opening words upon meeting Dr. David Livingstone:

Alexander Suvorov reminded me of Aleksandr Orlov, thinking he could have been the inspiration, but that led me to lots of actual Alexander Orlovs:

Available to buy or borrow on Amazon and some great big bookshops.

How the Media Help Create Weather and Spirituality Beliefs

As high pressure takes over from low in Blighty, it’s nice to see the sun out, and some stars brightening up the night last night.

Is it days like these (reminding me of Elbow’s One Day Like This)…

…which includes some great greenYgreying if that bloke twiddling the sign would get out of the way! (parody humour… about a white male like me I may add, in case some may think I don’t do enough of that… or those that don’t think I’m a white male… he is of the younger generation though, who might think they are entirely different/separate to me… as I did about the older generation when I was young!)

No, I was going to say, is it days like these that make people think Blighty’s sunnier than it is – with one clear day a week much more memorable than the cloudy average ones – as a day/night out is remembered much more than a week at work.

Fictional Media Film Best Light

Or is it the media and travel companies, which usually film and take photos when the weather is nice, or when the light is best – the former for storylines that fit it, such as ones set in countryside summers.

Of course, usually they are just doing it for the best cinematography, rather than with the viewer’s perceptions of weather in mind. All countries take an interest in it, as tourism can be boosted by popular films and series.

I remember Crocodile Dundee creating an interest in Australia, followed by the movie Australia itself; maybe my Werewolf of Oz was the third? It might have put some places on the map, metaphorically of course, because I found them because they were on the map!

werewolf of oz

Fictional Media Maintain the Supernatural

I was also thinking that Hollywood probably helps maintain a belief in the supernatural around the world, with the spiritual often featured in horror and thriller movies; and even in others, such as romance and comedy. People might forget that the U.S.A. is still very religious compared to northern Europe.

For people who don’t go to religious places of worship in the U.K., the media is probably the biggest developer of spirituality. Would people grow up thinking about ghosts, poltergeists and witches if they weren’t included in stories? The American media is also the chief producer of alien stories too of course, which are like space supernaturals.

I don’t think those that grow up in isolation; such as being brought up by animals; believe in them. There’s probably a lot of research out there that I haven’t read.

The stories are all pretty harmless entertainment now, as well as enriching our creativity. All countries and cultures have their own folk tales and media productions, and are shaped in some way by them. Whether its weather or spirituality, fictional media can enrich our lives with the best images and stories, but can also create false views of reality.

My Thoughts Entirely

I don’t discount the spiritual or the alien, as I think humanity still doesn’t know that much about itself or its world, in the infancy of its space exploration, and with evidence of its past probably still mostly buried and unfound.

Humanity wasn’t around for most of space time anyway, so it can only theorise about what went on before, and what will happen in the future. It can shape its future to some extent, on this planet that we know quite well now.

Humanity Could be a Success

Humanity could call itself a success now if it stopped warring and destroying the planet, and worked together to protect and enrich the world we live in.

Our species has become the top animal – can it rise higher – to where the religious believe it should be – beyond humanity!

Available to buy or borrow on Amazon and some great big bookshops.

There’s More

My route to the book in this blog post was totally unplanned, and just seemed to fit at the end, topically and poetically. It’s not that spooky though, as it’s probably always at the back of my mind on this website.

POP-olution Population People Praise P4 B4 Travel Quest UnArt Episode

I thought I’d start with the above title and video as the next episode of XaW Files is a totally introspective one, not moving the travel quest on at all. In this way it follows the true art ethos, as discussed previously in the literary world where some of the best books are those considered wordy, with nothing much happening; or in the art world from Duchamps to Warhol and modern art, and music from hippie to punk.

Could I call it UnArt… and be original… no time to check now!

Travel Quest Genre

The travel quest genre was discussed in the second part of Andrew Marr’s trilogy series on books, available in the UK from the above link; I don’t know if the rest of the world can find it somewhere?

I knew most of it already, and used it to create the greenYgrey world, which falls into the category of being based on the real. My trilogy of books are original and unique because they use web maps, mostly google, to travel on the quest.

Autumn / Fall Writing

This episode was written in October, and after a little post-first-publishing thinking I realised it was two years ago, with the first half of the book’s writing slow, as I was blogging a lot for you greenYgreyliens, AAW-WOWers and pre-POPolutionaries!

It discusses creative writing epiphanies, which sometimes come in threes… and sometimes don’t!

Coincidence or signs are included through the rainbow prism.

Seeing green grass as more yellow since the rising of the greenygrey Y shows how you can see things more or clearer when you are looking for them, and not just looking around without prompting.

I have proposed what is often called luminous or neon green; although the latter has a nice poetic ring to it, maybe it could be shortened to greon?; in its ever-increasing sporting popularity, should be called greenY… partly after me!

Noticing What You Are Told is There

Autumn is prime greenygrey time. I saw Britain’s greenYgreyness after looking closely, waiting for and wanting blue skies. Some people have tried to blame me for turning the skies grey, but I was just the observer, not the creator!

There were some long periods of Autumn rain in the early 2000s that helped form the greenygrey concept: the 2000 Autumn, for example, as featured on Wikipedia. When I left Wales in 1987 one of the main reasons was for more sunshine. In West Yorkshire, writers from the Brontes to Simon Armitage (Walking Home) have not described the weather looking through rose-tinted glasses.

Home in Yorkshire

I once described Armitage as the second-best poet in Yorkshire.

After reading Walking Home… a poetic memoir account of walking the Pennine Way as a troubadour…

Armitage has consolidated that position.

I never said I was the first! It could be Ian McMillan?… or even a woman? (parody humour).

Human History and Biology

The episode ends with some thoughts I’d just had about how people recalling historic events they seemingly shouldn’t have known anything about could be past lives memories passed through to us in DNA, as animals have an instant survival instinct when born.

Funnily enough, I recently saw Joe Strummer say similar in a biopic film about him. I was never a big Clash fan, but knew of them, and quite liked some of their songs.

Chapter 4 Episode 17

Once mostly inspired by other writers and poets, I have my own voice now: self-a-were. My own little world, not completely independent of outside influence, but mostly self-sufficient.

Rainbow Pots of Gold

If rainbows are perfect
symbols of sky
does that mean
mother nature flies high

I was inspired by the thought that Chapter 3 Episode 8, rich in natural imagery, was now being published in the greenYgrey world.

If I told you I wrote the above in the morning and saw a rainbow on my first run in eight days later that day would you believe me? If it helps you believe, there were no women there, just a couple of males around about where the rainbow may land.

That landing point was the one nearest to me, not the farthest end, where there’s supposed to be a pot of gold. I could see the farthest side clearer than the closest, but could see no pot of gold.

Although, thinking about it, there was grass and trees there, which are a form of greenYgrey gold. Since our Y rebranding I’ve noticed how yellow the grass can look in sunlight, while tree leaves are now turning yellow, in this October time of editing.

Moreover, thinking metaphorically, maybe I did see my personal pots of gold at the end of the rainbow: my mind being inspired by the scene to think creatively, resulting in these thoughts and words.

Rain after Rainbow and Rest

I felt refreshed, and eager to continue my XaW Files journey.

It wasn’t just the rainbow
that brightened me though
it was a day’s rest
from my Transylvanian test
and now I had thought more…

All our ancestors are in our minds and bodies, if evolution theory and modern science are correct. Animals are born with ‘instinct to survive’ DNA, so I think they are also born with ‘instinct to remember’ DNA.

Maybe that’s where evidence of remembering past lives or experiences comes from: little strands of historical memory passed into our bodies from the past, to be carried by us, and passed into the future.

Available to buy or borrow on Amazon and some great big bookshops.